My current kit is as follows:
- Walker 5x7 Titan XL with standard and wide angle bellows;
- Walker 5x7 to 5x4 reducing back;
- Walker Recessed Lens Panel (to allow use of the 75mm);
- Canham motorised 6x17 roll film back;
- Nikon 75mm f4.5;
- Schneider 110mm XL;
- Schneider 150mm Apo-Symmar;
- Fuji 250mm f6.3;
I am actually deciding on a new 5x7 camera and the Ebony gave me sticker shock too but the specs of the 57SUE looks to be ideal especially the rear movements. Do you find the fixed rear of the Walker restrictive?
The Ebony is THE camera to get if you want the ultimate - but there is no way I could afford or even justify that sort of outlay. The Walker is restricted due to its fewer movements but I've never had any problems or situations that have proved a no-hoper for the Walker. For "traditional" landscapes and architecture it is fine.