As a committed black and white photographer I've narrowed my choice of film down over the years and have (finally) found my "holy grail" ... Ilford's Delta 100.
Many years ago my fave film was Agfa'a APX 25; an outstanding film, grainless and with a pleasing tonality and although I only used 120 roll film (in a 6x12 film back) it made lovely prints. It became discontinued a few years back, a victim of the impending arrival of digital and I've lamented my loss ever since!
When I moved to 5x4 I tried both Ilford FP4 Plus and Delta 100 and stuck firmly with the latter; developed in Paterson FX-39 - a lovely combination.
So for the last few years my film stock has been Delta 100 in 5x4 and also in 120 roll film (in a 6x17 Art Panorama back).
However, my move to 5x7 meant that trying to find Delta 100 in this format was nigh on impossible - plenty of FP4 Plus and Efke film stock but (despite showing as being manufactured by Ilford) the only Delta 100 to be found was across the pond.
I decided to stick with FP4 Plus but very soon noticed a few shortcomings when comparing images shot on both films in 120 format on the Canham 6x17 film back. The FP4 Plus was struggling to keep up with Delta 100 in the shadow department as well as being somewhat "grainier".
Having asked advice on the UKLF forum I decided to try shipping some Delta 100 (5x7) from the US; at about £85 (plus tax plus import duties) it would certainly not be cheap!
just before ordering a forum member suggested contacting Ilford as they were listing 5x7 on their UK website. This made sense as the film is made here in the UK!
A check on their website showed Delta 100 5x7 (box of 100 sheets) as a stock item! A hasty telephone call revealed that this format was in fact a special order and not normally a stock item? However, a check revealed that they did in fact hold this film in stock?? Great (I thought) and enquired as to the price. £175 plus VAT for a box of 100 sheets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to worry, Jo C to the rescue! A quick phone call to one of her contacts at Ilford meant that I was able to get 2 boxes (200 sheets) for the princely sum of £200 all in!
The film arrived 2 days later - excellent service.
BUT I ask myself the question, "why is it so difficult to purchase film in the UK" especially one that's manufactured here?
For those who may be interested? I rate the film at 100 ASA and develop it in Ilford Perceptol (1:1). I tend to underdevelop my film as I find it scans better; allowing for the continuous agitation of the Orbital Processor and this further reduction I find that developing times run to about 13 minutes.
I am shooting 5x7 and was searching around for something different. I thought the Delta looked worth a try, but after reading £175. a box maybe I'll look for something else.
Hello Kevin - I agree but that was the RRP.I'm still confused as to why this format/film is available in the US but not here in the UK where its manufactured? Strange!